Avoiding long healing times with fractionated CO2s.

I had DEKA fractional CO2 resurfacing done 4 months ago. My doctor said he used the highest settings. I have very fair skin. My skin is VERY slowly fading to a lighter shade of pink, but I notice that the skin is still hypersensitive to anything that happens to it. Clogged pores are more reactive and breakouts become more inflamed than before the treatment. Does this sensitivity ever go away? Is the skin more prone to permanent damage during this phase? This is stressful!

Here’s the good news and the bad news on these lasers.  Let’s do the bad news first and end on a positive note.  🙂

Bad news:

  • They are extremely customizable, but thus dependent on the skill and judgment of the dermatologist handling the laser
  • At their most aggressive end, the results and the prolonged healing times approach that of the older completely ablative CO2 from the 1990s and early millenium (you are experiencing this sadly)
  • There is always a trade-off between results and downtime.

The good news:

  • Generally this will heal nicely but stay in close touch with the ?dermatologist who did the procedure
  • My bias is toward settings that give a good to excellent result with about 7-10 days of healing time and about a month of some mild sensitivty –  this is easily achievable with these lasers
  • It can really be customized to you and……..your skin will be better (but never, ever perfect).   

Good products for sensitive skin include:  Skinceuticals Gentle Cleanser, Eminenece Blueberry Soy Organic moisturizer, and the Dermaquest Zinclear (pure zinc but not white 18%) sunscreen.  More expensive but worth it in your situation.

Also, please …….seek out a board certified derm in your area!  Your risks are less and plastic surgeons tend to not be strong in the laser area.   

Dr. I

Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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Hi, I’m Dr. Irwin. I believe that consumers deserve a medically trained and unbiased skin care advocate.

  • All our content is written and researched by myself.
  • My medical office in Seattle has treated thousands of patients for 15+ years.
  • This site is not affiliated or financially tied to any product, treatment or device.
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