Fillers (in this case Belotero) around the eyes – problems and what to watch out for!

I was offered Belatero by a botox provider... a doctor, but I don't know her experience level. She had done a great job with botox once before so I trusted her. She said I would look better instantly... a little bruising maybe. I should also say I had no issues at all with under eye problems, just forehead wrinkles slightly. The "bruising" did not go away. I was unable to cover them with makeup, on inspection. I saw they were actual shadows and the product looked in some places like a worm under the skin, in others, lumps. Between are like gullies that look dark and deep. The skin over it looks stressed and dry so the net effect is HUGE circles I have never had in my life and looking very much older and wrinkly and ill. A doctor I know rolled over it with a q-tip and said that would help, but it is actually worse than before if that's possible... just more weirdly uneven. The provider told me I just needed more... please help. I don't want to leave the house, and I am afraid that after it goes down it will have stretched and ruined the skin over it for good and it will just hang. What can I do, if anything?

Ok… this is NOT a good situation when you feel like you can’t go out of the house and, we can all understand why after your description of this! Whether it’s Belotero, Voluma, or Juvederm, there are steps to take, which I outline below. Here’s More info on eye area filler problems that may help, too.

What to do when an eye area filler goes wrong:

Call your doctor/provider and here’s a good general approach;

  1. Try to speak to her/his nurse and tell them you’d really like them to remove/uncrosslink/flatten the bumps with the enzyme hyaluronidase. Can they do that for you?
  2. If they say yes, consider going in for that. Be aware that it may take one or two treatments to get it smooth again. Most offices do NOT charge to fix a problem like this that they created.
  3. If they say no, start calling the best, most experienced dermatologists who do aesthetic work in your area. Tell the front desk the story and ask them to please, please help you.   Most good offices will. There may be a charge for this service, since they have not seen you before.
  4. The first step is to get the Belotero lumps smoothed out. The next step is to work on that wrinkly, irritated skin (where you say it looks stressed)

I loved it when you said the skin looks stressed because that’s exactly what it is right now.

What not to do

  • Don’t rub it, roll over it with a Q-tip, or try to massage the delicate eye tissue when it’s stressed like this.  I know it’s tempting but please resist;
  • Don’t try new skin care products around the eyes right now unless they are extremely bland and made for the delicate eye area, or just plain bland like CeraVe. For now, products for sensitive skin may work well and just pick two – a gentle cleanser and a gentle moisturizer.
  • Don’t irritate the skin more! That delicate eye tissue has been irritated and stretched!  It needs SKIN REST! This skin will generally go back to baseline/normal if the product is removed/flattened and the tissue rests.

After the skin heals, you can, in the future, consider getting the area treated again but look for someone who is an expert inject for this area. Doing a little basic Botox/Dysport well, is fairly easy to learn. Learning fillers, especially around (this is an FDA off-label use), or even complicated Botox takes years of experience and training.



Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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Hi, I’m Dr. Irwin. I believe that consumers deserve a medically trained and unbiased skin care advocate.

  • All our content is written and researched by myself.
  • My medical office in Seattle has treated thousands of patients for 15+ years.
  • This site is not affiliated or financially tied to any product, treatment or device.
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