How does Botox usually wear off?

I am a first time botox user and I am very pleased with the results. I did my forehead (october 24). I was wondering if you can tell me what to expect when it wears off in three months? Do all the wrinkles instantly reappear? Do I wait for things to go back to normal before getting more? I wanted to know what to expect as far as planning my next treatment to maximize the benefits of using Botox? Thank you for your website. It has been so insightful!

Good question.   The first time, I bring my patients back at 3 months but tell them it will wear off slightly before that.  Then, each time it will last a little longer to a point.  That point depends on your age, amount of sun damage, genetic facial structure and things like that.  Many patients who are younger come every 5-6 months in my practice.  If you are 50 or older, you may need treatments 3 or, occasionally, even 4 times a year.  The muscles will gradually learn to relax.  But, if you take a long break from Botox, you have to start again, because the muscles will relearn their old habits.

 Also, the frequency of treatments depends on your goals.  I like to leave some movement in the face so that it looks natural.  Some patients really don’t want their face to move at all.  This will require more Botox and more frequent visits.

The wrinkles will reappear fairly suddenly after the first treatment.  But, as time goes on, those lines will take longer and longer to return.  Dr. I

Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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