How much bruising is too much bruising after a filler?

Bad bruising and redness in cheeks from Juvederm, seeking advice! Hi Dr., I am wondering if this is normal. I went to a great dr who previously injected some acne scars. It really was effective, However, 2 days ago he injected me again and it caused a lot of cosmetic side-effects (all of which the nurses i spoke to assured are normal, but i can not shake this feeling they are not). I have a very dark pin-point bruise on left cheek where the dr practically killed me it hurt so bad! there is spreading red area around this point. On the other side, there is a lot of redness and swelling, particularly by the side of my nose that looks awful. It makes me never want filler again. Should I go back in and see the dr next wk or wait a full 7 days? thanks. Love your site!

In my opinion and experience, mild to moderate brusing is normal BUT if that bruising is unusual for you, much worse than normal and/or painful, your doctor should see you right away or at least have you send a photo and talk to you.  There are some complications of fillers that are serious and can cause permanent scars if not treated correctly.  Bottom line – if you are concerned, call your doctor! Link to preventing bruising.

For everyone, it’s wise to expect and plan for some bruising after fillers.   If you don’t have any great!  But it’s more likely you will have some at least and you if plan accordingly, you won’t find yourself at an important work or social event, feeling embarassed.   Dr. I

Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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