Does moisturizing REALLY help prevent wrinkles?

Just wondering if moisturizer really helps prevent wrinkles. Many websites say it has no affect; it just temporarily makes skin plumper. I have dry skin and I used to be careful to moisturize often but since reading that it has no long term affect I don't bother as often.

Does moisturizing really help prevent wrinkles?  This is an interesting question because no university to my knowledge has studied this in a long term study.  We really don’t have proof one way or the other.

But……….here’s how I think the question should be answered.    If we look around us at people who have naturally oily skin, especially if they use sunscreen regularly, they have very few wrinkles.    If we look around us at people who have naturally  dry skin and who have had dry skin from their teens even, they tend to be very wrinkled.  Especially if they don’t use sunscreen.

Also, if my patients who are dry stop using moistuizer, their skin gets visibly crepey and wrinkled sometimes even to the point of getting eczema.   Sooo……I would recommend that if you are dry, moisturizing certainly won’t harm you (assuming you’re not allergic to the product) and may be preventive over time.

Dr. Irwin

See Dr. Irwin’s recommendations for facial moisturizers and for neck, chest, and body lotions.

Moisturizer to help appearance of wrinkles

Moisturizer to help appearance of wrinkles

Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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Hi, I’m Dr. Irwin. I believe that consumers deserve a medically trained and unbiased skin care advocate.

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  • My medical office in Seattle has treated thousands of patients for 15+ years.
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