Is there a link between dairy and skin (acne/aging)? Nutrition and your skin

Hello Dr. Irwin, I am reading more and more articles online regarding the consumption of dairy products and the link with acne and/or skin ageing. How true is this? I am aware that a diet high in sugar can degrade collagen, but dairy is a new one I'm reading about. I'd love to know your opinion on this, thank you, Laura.

Ok –  so there’s a lot said on the web about nutrition, dairy, sugar and skin that isn’t true, it’s just someone’s opinion. We all know that. Also, nutritional fads come and go, pushing new supposed culprits into focus. Think about all the ones you’ve seen come and go. Not sure what to believe? Here are some things that are true!

Sugar and your skin

Our skin is an organ in our body, in fact the largest organ in our body! It’s metabolically (means cells are working) active just like your liver, or brain, or kidneys. There is now a LOT of actual evidence that refined sugar is not good for any of us, therefore it is not good for your skin. But, it doesn’t actually degrade collagen. I don’t know of any study that supports this statement.  Please correct me nutritionists out there, if you have a study.

Link between dairy and skin

On the diary issue, there is a school of thought (NOT proven) that dairy products increase inflammation in the body. Where is the proof for this if you are not actually allergic? One theory is that it’s a cow based product but, have you ever noticed that that same group often eats beef (also cow) and doesn’t have any problem with it?   And how is inflammation being measured? And, is there a difference between probiotic rich dairy (like yoghurt and certain cheeses) and milk? I don’t know that we know this! If you all have answers, please write me.

Hope this helps!  Dr. I

Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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Hi, I’m Dr. Irwin. I believe that consumers deserve a medically trained and unbiased skin care advocate.

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  • My medical office in Seattle has treated thousands of patients for 15+ years.
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