What causes pads under the eyes?

HI Dr. I have a question about the pads that form under the eyes. I am 37 and at times my eyes look puffy underneath. I wouldn\'t say the its are very prominent or lasting but I am becoming more aware of that area and now I am wondering how the \"pads\" form in that area?? Is it something that just appear one day or is it a gradual process and if so is there anything to keep them from forming??? I have good skin, I have a good skincare regime (influenced by you of course. I use the sunscreen and moisturizers,etc my eye area is really changing. Thank you in advanced for your time!!!

Under eye pads or puffiness are complicated because there are several different causes and sometimes they coexist together.  So……. causes can be:

1.  The skin on the eyelids loses collagen and elasticity from sun damage and intrinsic aging causing it to not snap back well after puffiness from a salty meal, too much alcohol, etc.;

2.  The fat pads under the eyes slip or move a little causing an irregular contour;

3.  The orbicularis oculi muscle around the eyes can loosen a bit and sag;

4.  The supporting skin around the eyes, fat pads, and even bone can lose volume gradually causing sagging.

The sun damage is a  gradual process which you can help prevent with an eyelid sunscreen (see SkinTour products), and you might consider trying different eye creams to find one that’s helpful for you.  Creams can occasionally aggravate the puffiness.  Also, an eyelid Thermage treatment to tighten the skin a little may help.  Your dermatologist can give you advice.   Dr. I

Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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  • My medical office in Seattle has treated thousands of patients for 15+ years.
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