What can you do in your 20’s through 40’s to prevent eye area wrinkles later?

Hi Dr. Irwin, First I just wanted to say thanks for all the clear advice on your blog. As for my question, I am a 24 year old male who wants to take really good care of my skin. I am especially concerned with preventing fine lines in the eye area. Based on what I have read here and reading reviews I have concluded that I want to use a night retinol for the eyes like the replenix one as well as a day time antioxidant, sunscreen, and possible tns product. My questions mainly has to do with overlapping ingredients. For example, I have noticed you favor the dermalogica total eye care product with sunscreen, however, I noticed it lists some antioxidants. Would it be ok to use the aox eye gel underneath this in the morning? And how would you recommend incorporating a tns product. If I were only to use it once a day would it be better under the replenix retinol or the aox eye gel? Do the growth factors always go under the Antioxidant or retinol? And do you think I can just use the standard tns product even though they have 3 separate ones for the eyes now? I don't really want to buy separate expensive tns products. Thanks for your help!

Okay…….I’ll admit I shortened your question a little but…….whew…..you had a lot of good questions.   I’ll try to address this just generally.  Remember we are all individuals so add products one at time about a week apart, never together.   That way if you have a problem, you’ll know which product it is.

The biggest problem with products that combine a lot of ingredients is that the concentrations aren’t usually in range to be effective.  So for good concentrations of the actives, in the AM you could use the AOX eye gel (SkinCeuticals) easily under the SkinCeuticals Total Eye Care Sunscreen without any problem.   That gives you your antioxidant plus sunscreen.

In the PM, use the Replenix All-trans Retinol and you can always put a little inexpensive drugstore Cerave Lotion or Cream over it for a little extra hydration.   Voila…..you have an relatively inexpensive regimen focused on prevention.    At this point in your life, the TNS cells growth factor products just don’t add enough to justify the extra cost, in my opinion.

Hope this helps,  Dr. I


Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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Hi, I’m Dr. Irwin. I believe that consumers deserve a medically trained and unbiased skin care advocate.

  • All our content is written and researched by myself.
  • My medical office in Seattle has treated thousands of patients for 15+ years.
  • This site is not affiliated or financially tied to any product, treatment or device.
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