With light asian skin and acne scarring, what would be the best option?

Hi! I have light asian skin type. After 18 years of acne, Accutane cured my acne. I am left with some minor-moderate scars in the temple, check and chin areas. I had four erbium lasers done with minimal results. The aestitician there told me to not waste my money on fraxel lasers as they are not as effective compared to erbium. Is this true? Also, a cosmetic surgeon mentioned to me that he could inject Silikon 1000 into the individual scars to level it out with the rest of my skin and create a more even texture. Please help! Thanks.

Yikes ……. I really can’t recommend anything with silicone (link to reasons) and scroll down to the section "Other Dermal Fillers".  It’s permanent and some patients react to it 10 years later even with red, permanent bumps.  And…… there are still a lot of other options for you.

Also, I love most aestheticians and there are some very dedicated ones but they are not doctors and the information above isn’t correct.   The Fraxel (not the Fraxel Restore), the original Fraxel IS an erbium laser (1550 nm).   More info on treating acne scarring.

You might want to consider subscision, the fractionated CO2 laser, and Fraxel (erbium) done with different settings, certain fillers (not silicone) to augment these, etc.   Please find an expert dermatologist near you and/or ask for the non silicone options.    Dr. I

Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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Hi, I’m Dr. Irwin. I believe that consumers deserve a medically trained and unbiased skin care advocate.

  • All our content is written and researched by myself.
  • My medical office in Seattle has treated thousands of patients for 15+ years.
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