Would a “collagen” moisturizer be helpful after an IPL?

Hello I just had IPL photorejuvination done on my face today and I wasnted to your expert advice as to the thype of moisturizer I should use daily. I bought the repairwear uplifting from clinique and I also bought the collagen moiture filler from Loreal . I also bought the aloe vera gel but now I dont know what is best for my skin to use. I was told by the dr to get a moisturizer with collegen and clinique doesnt have one with collegen they only sell this one that stimulates your skin to produce collegen but I want some clarification from you if opssible. Mind you that this was my very first time but thisis the one thing Im not sure of and the dr left for vacation. Can you please help. Thank you Ivon Ledon

I don’t mean to disagree with your doctor, but collagen moistuizers are generally not useful. The collagen in the cream doesn’t penetrate the barrier layer of the skin well and there’s no science that I’ve ever seen that these are helpful.  

What is helpful is just a good, non irritating bland moisturizer for the first several weeks after the IPL and a good sunscreen (look for 5-10% zinc) every morning.  

Our Top 50 Product List recommends inexpensive products such as Cetaphil or CeraVe cream at the drugstore.

Dr. I

Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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  • My medical office in Seattle has treated thousands of patients for 15+ years.
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