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Tag: Thermage & Ultherapy

Are Botox and Thermage compatible?

She’s not correct on this one.  Botox is injected into muscles and binds there within about 6 hours.  Most doctors tell their patients to be moderately careful for 24 hours or...

Can Thermage make melasma worse?

I never say never because we are all individuals but ……. in over 10 years of working with Thermage and several thousand treatments, we’ve not had a patient who’s melasma...

Fractionated laser systems vs. radiofrequency

I’ve never seen a radiofrenquency system that equaled the overall results of a well done fractionated CO2 treatment with a good system (like Deka or the new Cynosure CO2).  BUT, if you...

Can Thermage Or Ultherapy Reduce Wrinkles?

Both Ultherapy and Thermage generally do NOT reduce wrinkles. They are intended to tighten and lift slightly. Of the two, Thermage is better, in my opinion. It requires one treatment instead of 3 and...

What is better for antiaging-Thermage or Fraxel?

This depends on many factors like your age, the amount of sagging you have, severity of wrinkles, and your facial contours, etc.   As a general guideline, if you are under...

When is it okay to do Thermage after Botox?

It’s fine to do the Thermage the next day even after Botox.  It doesn’t take the Botox long to bind to the proper receptors at the junction between the nerve fiber and the...

Is it okay to have Thermage done right after Botox?

You’re fine having the Thermage done anytime.  Occasionally we will do them 1 day apart if we have someone coming from Alaska, for example.  Botox is injected into the muscle and it binds...

Does body Thermage work for stretch marks?

Yes – they did come out with that reengineered Thermage body tip in 2008 but it was a disappointment.  I wish I could recommend it, but I really can’t.  The body tip...
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