Mens’ skin care and treatments 101

Hello Dr. Irwin: I am a man who has just turned 65 (11/2016). I've always been interested in proper skin care, but never seem to find info addressed to men. In general, is info addressed to the care of womens skin care applicable to men? Thank you.

Thank you for writing in. Even I forget sometimes that we have a large group of men now who thankfully want to prevent and correct sun damage and signs of aging! So here’s a start for you below regarding mens’ skin care and treatments. You can also find more answers I’ve given on the topic here.

Mens’ Skin Care Products

  • Generally the same products that work for women also work for men. The one exception is the beard area where sometimes men need products that help keep the hairs from getting ingrown or irritated with shaving.
  • Think for starters – cleanser, antioxidant, moisturizer if needed sunscreen in the morning and cleanser, moisturizer, vitamin A cream at night. Something similar to my regimen here is great for most skin types and needs.

Mens’ Injectables like Botox and Fillers

  • Almost exactly the same but more Botox/Dysport amounts per treatment is needed due to larger facial muscles.
  • Also, with fillers try to find a doctor/nurse who injects men frequently to avoid getting a feminine look.  Fillers should be done differently in men to keep a masculine facial shape and contour, unless feminization is desired. Here’s an article where I talk more on that.

Mens’ Laser Treatments

  • This varies by the laser because you don’t want the laser to affect your beard growth, usually.   Be sure to ask about this because different lasers affect hair growth differently.
  • For example, CO2 or the Fraxel laser can be safely done right over hair without a problem other than temporary singeing.
  • Clearly a hair removal laser is out, unless that is the goal.
  • IPLs will affect hair growth and should not be done over hair bearing areas.

Mens’ Skin Tightening Treatments

  • So far there is no evidence that these work any differently in men.
  • So far there is no evidence that these affect hair growth.

Hope this helps,  Dr. I

Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

Ask me your skincare question!

Hi, I’m Dr. Irwin. I believe that consumers deserve a medically trained and unbiased skin care advocate.

  • All our content is written and researched by myself.
  • My medical office in Seattle has treated thousands of patients for 15+ years.
  • This site is not affiliated or financially tied to any product, treatment or device.
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One of the best investments in your skin is your daily skincare. Why? Because you can prevent many problems with blotchy skin color, lack of glow, texture, some types of acne, and fine lines with good skincare products. You can also correct some of these problems with effective skincare products. Great skincare is often more expensive because quality ingredients are expensive. Some companies spend on research/development which benefits all of us and adds to the cost. Are they worth it? In general - yes! I have handpicked some of what I consider to be the best skin care products, and offer them for sale on SkinTour's shop. This is based on my team and I's testing and research at our clinic. Many of the products are in my own regimen. What could be better than using skin care products a dermatologist uses?!