Complications of Beauty Procedures Post 1/4 – Emface, Metal & RF

I am 68 and just had EMFACE. I have two gold crowns side by side in the left lower back of my teeth. 20 minutes after the procedure, my left upper forehead eye area, left side of my head above my ear and a bit to the back left side of my head, had some stabbing pains. Still there today (24 hours later) but not as painful. The tech put "bubblegum" on my caps to cover the metal. Doesn't make me want to continue. Is this procedure safe with the gold metal crowns?

Thank you for writing because it spurred me to write a new post on how to approach complications from procedures. Not to mention the ones I also had recently from the ellacor® Micro-Coring™ procedure. 🙁 The photos are on Instagram at dr brandith_skin.

Did they disclose to you that Emface has a temporary effect with an initial series and then long term maintenance needed? Did the “tech”, or hopefully an RN, setting you up for the procedure understand that you have gold and not porcelain crowns?

Any time there is a “grounding pad” and Emface has one, the radiofrequency (RF) is being transmitted between your face (or whatever treatment area) and that grounding pad. As the energy passes through the metal, it heats it up. The pain you were experiencing was nerve pain as the gold crown heated up too much. The other problem with this…is that the heat can soften the glue used to secure the crown, and then the crown may become unstable! I’d vote “No” on this procedure for anyone with metal in the crowns or metal in your jaw, unless you get the okay from your dentist. Please make sure your dentist truly understands that the RF is heating up the metal crown. Many dentists don’t have time (understandably) to follow this technology.

Tips for handling beauty and skin procedure complications (1-5)

  1. Be sure to call your dermatologist or other provider right away to report a problem. Leaving a VM is fine if you can’t get through, but make sure you get a response. This is part of your decision on whether or not to continue with this clinic.
  2. If the problem involves another body part, call your provider for that area and report the problem. For example, for your teeth, call your dentist.  If it’s a severe (not a mild one) headache, not in your normal pattern, call your primary care or neurologist, etc.
  3. If it’s truly an emergency, go to an ER or acute care center. Sometimes there are true skin emergencies like severe infections and allergic reactions to meds.
  4. When you’re signing the consent form, if the person “rooming” you can’t answer questions, then have that person find someone who can answer them. We all need to be good advocates for ourselves and our health. 🙂
  5. If you really are not comfortable that your provider isn’t knowledgeable, it may be the best to kindly state that and tell the person you’ll schedule for another day. This does not apply if you just have the jitters or didn’t take reading through your information seriously prior to the appointment.


Hope this helps,

Brandith Irwin, MD, FAAD
Founder of SkinTour
Follow my skin tips and travels on Instagram!

Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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Hi, I’m Dr. Irwin. I believe that consumers deserve a medically trained and unbiased skin care advocate.

  • All our content is written and researched by myself.
  • My medical office in Seattle has treated thousands of patients for 15+ years.
  • This site is not affiliated or financially tied to any product, treatment or device.
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