4 Tips for Chin Wrinkles and Lines

I have medium deep lines on my chin that look like road maps. They are very noticeable as I have short hair. I'm 55 and in good shape otherwise. Thank you!

Wrinkles and crinkles on the chin annoy almost every woman over 50.  Here are some tips!

  1. Bumpy Skin on the Tip of the Chin.
    This is due to the loss of volume in the fat pad, bone and skin. And also from enlargement of the oil glands there. I call this bumpiness cobblestone chin, although it is not always known as that. I know from attending the Paris conference on aging skin that the French call it peau d’orange, or the skin of an orange.  These kinds of chin issues can be corrected with a little Botox/Dysport and some volume. Both Botox and Dysport are a type of botulinum type A used to relax the muscles that cause frown lines and other over active muscles of the face, like forehead lines and crows feet.   Juvederm or Restylane family are good for the volume I mentioned.
  2. Deep Crease Right Above the Chin.
    Usually related to volume loss, especially in the underlying bone and teeth that are shifting with age. Again, Hyaluronic acid fillers like Juvederm or Restylane are good for correction.
  3. Lines that Slant Down under the Corners of the Mouth.
    This is due to the pulling down motion of certain muscle groups, as well as volume loss. Again, Botox/Dysport well done will correct and you may need volume also.
  4. Vertical Lines Heading Up into the Lips.
    Caused by repetitive pursing of the lips, the position of the jaw and teeth, some volume loss and sun damage on the lips.  Correct with a little Botox/Dysport, volume if needed and have your bite checked.

Hope the helps,   Dr. I


Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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