Bruising under the eyes after fillers or Belotero

I had Belotero injected under eyes 30 days ago and I had severe bruising. My doctor did not tell me to stop taking Advil, fish oil supplements prior to the procedure. She also did not tell me to only take Tylenol if I had pain, so I took a total of 4 Advils within 16 hours after procedure. To date, I am still bruised and what is worse, is that I am not happy with the results, as she filled one eye more than the other. She realizes that the right eye is not the same, but she is weary to do it again because of my bruising. Now, she tells me to take Bromelin and Arnica. In the meantime, I have just been applying an Arnica roll on. She says the bruising is not permanent, and that I have to give it time, but throughout the holidays, I could not go anywhere, as makeup doe not cover well. Now, I have dark circles under my eyes. I can email a photo if needed. I do not know what to do because I am also scared to have it done again, unless, my excessive bruising was due to taking fish oil and Advil before and after, as Tylenol makes me sleepy, so Advil is my pain reliever of choice. Thanks for your time in offering some relief and hope. I appreciate it!

With fillers becoming increasingly popular, bruising under the eyes after fillers or Belotero is becoming a more serious problem. This is especially so when the bruises can’t be covered and lead to missed work or social commitments. There are a number of good protocols out there for bruising, but you MUST ask the doctor/nurse who’s doing the injections about their particular protocol.  Here are some ideas for prevention of bruising, but any time a needle is used in skin, bleeding and bruising may occur.

Keep in mind that if you have a clotting disorder –  even things like Factor V Leyden, a history of clots in your veins, or are already on blood thinners like Coumadin/warfarin, aspirin, Xeralto, etc., you MUST consult your doctor before making any changes in your medications, including the tips below!!!

  • No aspirin, Aleve, Advil or Ibuprofen for one week prior to your appointment (extra strength Tylenol is fine if you don’t have liver problems)
  • Avoid vitamin E and fish oil for one week prior –  a multivitamin is ok
  • Stop alcohol 2 days prior
  • No garlic for 1-2 days prior
  • Try eating fresh pineapple 2-3 times, 1-2 days prior to injections.   I have no idea why this works, but seems very effective for some patients
  • Take homeopathic Arnica tablets (30x)  as directed on the package starting the day of or day before injections.   Don’t use Arnica if you have heart disease, high blood pressure, or clotting problems without your doctor’s approval.
  • Avoid exercise immediately before injections and for 24-48 hours after
  • Avoid flying for 1-2 days if you can, the cabin pressure changes could affect bruising slightly

Hope this helps with bruising under the eyes after fillers or Belotero,  Dr. Irwin

See Dr. Irwin’s article on Dermal Filler Problems and How To Fix Them

Bruising under the eyes after fillers or Belotero

Bruising under the eyes after fillers or Belotero


Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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Hi, I’m Dr. Irwin. I believe that consumers deserve a medically trained and unbiased skin care advocate.

  • All our content is written and researched by myself.
  • My medical office in Seattle has treated thousands of patients for 15+ years.
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