Can anything help this Dysport/Botox problem resolve faster?

Is there ANYTHING, aside from time, that will help Dysport wear off? I have used this individual twice and I don't think I will be back as she keeps giving me a very heavy brow look. She only gave 25cc and I HATE THE WAY I LOOK. Unfortunately I had plans to travel over the holidays so I get to go looking like a freak as I can't take time to find someone to correct my funky brow. Will diet, exercise ANYTHING help for this to speed up the nerve regeneration and allow me to look more normal? I am so upset

Yes – it sounds like it might be time to seek a another provider.  Sometimes a doctors’ or nurses’ technical skills might be good but their aesthetic eye not so much – or at least not in sync with what you are wanting. Sometimes an understanding of the action of the small muscles of the face is lacking.

Since both Dysport and Botox bind to the receptors in that specific muscle at the junction between the nerve and the muscle, diet and exercise will not help. Try contracting that muscle group (if you can)  5-6 times a day hard. That may speed up the process a little. But realistically you are looking at about 3 months. I know this is frustrating so hang in there.  Try to focus on all the wonderful other parts of your face that you know and love.  And maybe avoid those magnifying mirrors that women love so much.   

If you need a dermotologist recommendation, here is a great list.

Dr. I

Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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Hi, I’m Dr. Irwin. I believe that consumers deserve a medically trained and unbiased skin care advocate.

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  • My medical office in Seattle has treated thousands of patients for 15+ years.
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