Can this Botox mistake be corrected?

I found your site searching for solutions to Botox mistakes, I had injections in the chin area which gave me a lopsided smile. It is not apparent if not smiling but has caused me not to smile anymore. When should this effect wear off and is there anything that can be done to fix this? I went to a plastic surgeon and trusted he knew how to do this, I initially went for the forehead area but he talked me into the chin to help raise the corners of the mouth and fix a dimpled chin. I\'m worried thinking this is permanent, it has been 10 days since the injections. Please let me know if there is help, i would fly to your office if you can correct this. Thank you!

I wish I had a magic wand for you, could just wave it and this would go away fast.  But first let me reassure you.  This is NOT permanent!  It will go away but it could take anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months depending on how many units he put in.  Please call and make sure he knows about this. 

He’s correct that Botox in the lower face can relax the chin and change the position of the corners a little but it’s also difficult to do well.  There are a lot of different muscles around the mouth and he injected some of the ones that affect your smile unintentionally clearly.  Good luck!    Dr. I

Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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