Hollowing under the eyes and wrinkles – any products that help?

Hi, I'm a male aged 49 and have problems with thinning skin, wrinkles and hollowness under the eyes. I really want to wear my contact lenses instead of glasses which hide the problem. I don't want surgery or injections, so the $1,000,000 question is, how can I reduce my eyes' hollow and wrinkly appearance? I've heard Lumiere eye cream can thicken the skin around the eyes, but have not tried it. Are there any products formulated for men that you recommend? Thanks. Great site!

I think you would benefit a little from a good eye care product like the Lumiere or the Replenix eye cream if you’re not already using one.  But let’s be honest, at 49 NO skin care product is going to make a big difference.   I would really recommend that you find an expert, board certified dermatologist in your area (regional guide here), and consider two things –  a little Restylane under the eyes for the hollows and the CO2 DEKA DOT fractionated laser for any sagging/wrinkles.

Remember that lasers are not a substitute for upper lid blepharoplasty (surgery), if you have a lot of loose skin.  If your wrinkles/hooding are mild to moderate you will probably be very happy with 1-2 laser treatments.  If you have a lot of hooding, and really don’t want surgery, plan on about 3 DEKA DOT treatments.  Good luck and I hope this helps!  Dr. I

Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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Hi, I’m Dr. Irwin. I believe that consumers deserve a medically trained and unbiased skin care advocate.

  • All our content is written and researched by myself.
  • My medical office in Seattle has treated thousands of patients for 15+ years.
  • This site is not affiliated or financially tied to any product, treatment or device.
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One of the best investments in your skin is your daily skincare. Why? Because you can prevent many problems with blotchy skin color, lack of glow, texture, some types of acne, and fine lines with good skincare products. You can also correct some of these problems with effective skincare products. Great skincare is often more expensive because quality ingredients are expensive. Some companies spend on research/development which benefits all of us and adds to the cost. Are they worth it? In general - yes! I have handpicked some of what I consider to be the best skin care products, and offer them for sale on SkinTour's shop. This is based on my team and I's testing and research at our clinic. Many of the products are in my own regimen. What could be better than using skin care products a dermatologist uses?!