How long does it take for Botox/Dysport/Xeomin to wear off??

Hello Doctor, I'd like your opinion. I saw a doctor in SF for filler after a long, hard bout with the flu. I researched this doctor, and he got good reviews. He did not tell me what fillers he would be using. I just heard the word botox. I have had it in my brow, and it caused winged wrinkles over both my brows, and I discontinued it. He injected it into the inner area of my cheeks, next to my nose. As a result, my full smile is gone. My smile barely shows my teeth, and there is so much filler (Restylane) in my cheek area I look like a goulish clown. My question: in this cheek area, how long will it take for botox to wear off? Thanks so much, Judy

Dear Readers:    Please, please, please……….do not rely just on the web for a referral to a doctor.  Very sketchy doctors (check the board certification at ) with minimal skills can put up fabulous website and engineer great reviews.

In about 90% of people, it will wear off in 3-6 months depending on how much and where it was injected.   There are exceptions to this but they are rare.  It will last a little less long when first starting it, and a little longer as the muscles learn to relax.

In your situation, it’s important to let the Botox to completely wear off before seeking another treatment with a different doctor.   But with the Restylane, a good doctor may be able to adjust that for you with hyaluronidase, the enzyme that uncrosslinks and reduces it’s volume. 

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Dr. I


Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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