Liposuction gone wrong – can it be fixed non surgically?

Dr. Irwin, I had a liposuction procedure 10 years ago that went very wrong. The surgeon did liposuction on both legs and even on my hips. I was a small curvy size 3 and I ONLY wanted a small section outside my upper thighs done. He went so over and beyond. My right leg is slightly smaller than the left one. I have two areas on my right thigh and also on my the right side of my hip that is a little sunken in. My question is: can sculptra be injected in larger areas and stay permanently. I long to have a little fullness back. I once had fat injections put in those areas but, the fat all absorbed back in my body after a couple years. Will sculptra work or is their another type of filler that will be more permanent. Thank you, Debra

If the refat transplantation didn’t work, you’re in a tough situation!   Would one maintenance treatment a year be acceptable to you?   You’re in a difficult spot because the two “permanent” fillers silicone and Artefill may cause the area to look worse (any filler has this potential) and if, for any reason, it looked worse, you are stuck!

Why not consider Sculptra or Voluma which last about a year before they need to be touched up, once the initial fill is adequate?    It may take 2-3 sessions with either of them to get a good result in the beginning.  They can gradually be adjusted to achieve an excellent result usually.

I know the Voluma literature and Scuptra claim a 2 year result but that’s a bit bogus, in my opinion, because who wants their face (or leg), going from full to zero and then back again??   More realistic is a once a year touch up when you’re about 1/2 down.   More on Voluma and Sculptra.

Hope this helps,  Dr. I

Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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  • My medical office in Seattle has treated thousands of patients for 15+ years.
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