Things I’m reading on the web about Sculptra???

Dear Dr, Irwin I had my 1st series of Sculptra placed in my temple region and cheeks on August 11th 2011. ( one week ago) I am a 46 yr old female & have been a runner for years which left my face somewhat hollow. My question is this. I am reading many negative things about Sculptra. I guess I should have done my research prior to the injections. Nonetheless, I am thinking about discontinuing the next two series of Sculptra injections & was wondering if I could get Juvaderm Plus injected into my temples instead? If so, how long should I wait before having the Juvaderm injected into that area?

I’m hoping that you don’t believe even a quarter of what you read on the web!  It’s really not always very accurate.   You may be very happy with the Sculptra since, when it’s done well, it’s really natural looking and lovely.   It just needs to be injected well and then massaged according to the protocol.  Please make sure you do all the massage required by your doctor.  It takes a full 90 days for the Sculptra to develop fully – so patience is helpful on this one.

There is absolutely no data on injecting Juvederm and Sculptra into the same area so it’s difficult to know exactly what would be safe in this situation.   Dr. I

Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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  • My medical office in Seattle has treated thousands of patients for 15+ years.
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