Ulthera vs. DOT vs. Fraxel for a 55 y.o. woman with mild-mod wrinkles?

There is not much information of the ulthera laser in terms of results. THe only thing I have read is that it is very painful. I wanted your opinion on the "dot" fractionated laser versus the ulthera and what results you are seeing with both. I noticed that Dr Perry is now advocating for the ulthera. I am interested in delaying a face lift and am looking for a procedure that can tighten the skin. I am looking and investigating a fraxel restore --? treatments with little down time, vs the deka smartxide "dot", vs ulthera. Which would you recommend for fair skin 55 year old female with skin that is starting to give(could use subtle tightening) with fine wrinkling mostly around mouth and marionette lines. I would opt for the fraxel nonablative 2-3 treatments that is less downtime if I thought that would be worth it. Would appreciate your feedback. I could send you a picture or maybe go to Seatle for a vacation and come to see you. THanks so much Maggie

I’m hoping I summarized that well!  Things to consider are these.  If you are a 55 yo female with a little sagging and mild wrinkles, remember that the Fraxel Restore (erbium) does not tighten much and is better, in my opinion, in younger patients.  For tightening alone and no downtime, the Thermage will do the same thing as the Ulthera with fewer treatments, less money and less discomfort.  If you want to target a little tightening AND the wrinkles then opt for one of the fractionated CO2 lasers like the DEKA DOT, Lumenis Active/Deep Rx, or even Fraxel Repair.  Please consider getting a couple of opinions from the good laser/cosmetic derms or plastic surgeons in your area.   Dr. I

Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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Hi, I’m Dr. Irwin. I believe that consumers deserve a medically trained and unbiased skin care advocate.

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  • My medical office in Seattle has treated thousands of patients for 15+ years.
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