Will a laser work for loose skin on the abdomen?

I had a baby almost three years ago. I was fortunate that I was able to loose the weight and escape stretch mark free(She weigh 10 pounds). I am 5'4 and weigh 130 pounds. I workout regularly so I'm in pretty good shape. I am thinking of trying a laser for my belly button area. The skin has lost the elesticity and that area looks so different from the rest of my abdominal area. I know you are against this type of thing incase of major weight loss but I wonder if you think that it would make a difference in my case? I have consulted with 2 doctors and of course, both said yes that it would make a significant difference. I still don't know if I trust the response. If you think it would is there a particular one you recommend? I so appreciate your honesty and straight-fowardness. Thank you again and again.

Good for you for getting back into shape!!  It’s hard, isn’t it. 

 Well……..it depends on which type of laser and how loose the skin is.  If it’s more like a stretch mark around your belly button, then multiple Fraxel treatments should help but you may need 5-10 treatments and it won’t be perfect still.  Fractionated carbon dioxide (like the DOT) may be a good option if you are a lighter skin type.  Stick with the Fraxel if you are hispanic, asian or african american -it will be safer.  Don’t waste you time and money on an IPL or YAG for this and although I think Thermage (or other radiofrequency devices) work well on the face for many, I don’t think the body tips work well at all.  So, I’d stay away from those.  Hope this helps!  Dr. I

Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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