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Why not to do extractions on your face yourself!

Okay ………so I completely understand the temptation to do this.  But here’s why you really don’t want to!  Finding a good doctor. You can cause infections that then need a...

Scars on the face and age of treatment.

Thank you for reading!   On facial scars, in my opinion the microneedling doesn’t work even remotely as well as a fractionted CO2 laser or, in some cases the originial 1550nm...

Is there anything new for treatment of scars?

There is …….and please see the blog post right before this one!   Also, presented at the Paris IMCAS conference this year was some research showing (preliminarily) better results with  fractionated...

Acne on the nose and scars.

You are brave to write about this but I think many share your concern.   Here are some things to try but I have one thing to say that’s very important!!!...

Home Remedies for Acne

I’m not thinking garden mud or egg whites here. I’m thinking things you can get easily without a prescription that aren’t expensive. At your drugstore or online version, look for a cleanser that contains...

What to do for oily skin and larger pores?

I truly wish there was a “home run” for large pores, but there are things that help. Good products –  here’s the link  and also here.  This blog post applies...

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