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Body Rejuvenation


Outdoor jobs, excess pigment and sunscreening!

Please see this section in Skincare products.   There’s more you can do to help with this and ……….please don’t forget that HAT!! So many people have problems with uneven pigment...

Problems after a CO2 laser with scarring?

In my opinion, aestheticians and other ancillary personnel should not be using CO2 lasers.  CO2 lasers have huge potential to improve scars and wrinkles but they also have more potential...

Autoimmune diseases – are injectibles and lasers safe?

Hashimotos, systemic lupus, multiple sclerosis, Sjogren’s, Bell’s palsy, rheumatoid arthritis …………these are all autoimmune diseases……just to name a few.    Autoimmune diseases are a group of diseases that are caused by...

Does taking hyaluronic acid tablets do anything?

Thank you for reading!  Sadly, there’s no evidence at all, that I’ve seen, that taking these tablets does anything.  My vote is to not waste your money.  You’re much better...

White Spots on the Body – What are These?

Please see your dermatologist or doctor for a diagnosis. White spots on the body are usually one of these things: tinea versicolor (overgrowth of a certain yeast), vitiligo (autoimmune), or...

Is There a Cure Yet for Cellulite?

The short answer on this is no. Some progress has been made on why it occurs, but all of the current treatments available have been largely temporary improvements. Liposuction is...

Crepiness on the neck at 62?

I hear you and you are NOT alone.  There’s a reason why the wonderful writer Nora Ephron (now passed ):)  wrote a book called  “I Hate My Neck.” It’s quite...

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