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Lasers for brown spots and asian skin

Lasers for brown spots and asian skin

I think you are wise to be concerned about lasers for brown spots and asian skin. While lasers can be extremely helpful for brown spots caused by old sun damage...

Extreme sun! How can I protect myself?

The sun – especially at mid day at the equator – is brutal.   A sunscreen like the one above while good for every day use in temperate climates is NOT...

What’s going on with men and “red necks?”

This is actually where the term “red neck” came from because it is literally a red neck associated with sun exposure and outdoor occupuations and lifestyles.   Men suffer from it...

White spots on the legs caused by sun damage!

YES –  there are definately things to do to help with these.   I’ll give you some ideas from least expensive to most expensive: Make sure your sunscreen is at least...

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