Rosacea – with challenges!

I'm 49 and have rosacea with some challenges: oral antibiotics taken daily over a period of years has created a liklihood of yeast overgrowth, so antibiotics aren't something I can do. None of the prescription topicals have shown any impact (tried Metrocream, Metrogel, Finacea, Noritate, Oracea). I am working with a dermatologist on IPL laster treatments every 12 weeks. Where I struggle is the daily care products, especially how to exfoliate effectively (without overstimulating and causing breakouts). Do you have any suggestions? Like many of us, figuring out what will be effective is a like walking a fine line. Thank you for your efforts!

Okay –  so hold everything on this one.  You didn’t mention anything about optomizing dietary and lifestyle factors which are critical to good rosacea control.  So I’m hoping you would tell me that, until this is under good control, you’re not drinking alcohol, you limit coffee to 1-2 small cups per day at the most, you avoid heat, hot liquids, etc.  Please also go to the and read about rosacea and there are many other sites that can help you figure out dietary triggers.  Some people are triggered by things like soy products or certain vegetables.  It really helps to be a detective and track down everything that could be contributing.

On the skin care front, once a week exfoliation with a very gentle scrub or a wash cloth is plenty.  You might like the Clarisonic. (For more information see my article on the Clarisonic brush.) Also, there is a new nonprescription product from SkinMedica with a new anti-inflammatory ingredient (not a steroid) called Redness Relief Calmplex.  It’s looking promising.

I’m in complete agreement with you about long term use of oral antibiotics for this but still will recommend them for short term (5-10 courses) for occasional flares.    Dr. I

Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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  • My medical office in Seattle has treated thousands of patients for 15+ years.
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