A founder and CEO comments on bruising with fillers.

I will acknowledge that I am the founder and CEO of a small startup and I am NOT asking you to review my product or mention my product. What I would like is for you to let people know what the true rate of bruising is with dermal fillers. I had spoken to 100s of offices and I was positive for years that the average bruising rate was 30%. Then I started looking at package inserts (IFUs) of Juvederm and Restylane. I found that the bruising rate was much higher, including studies done in 2012. A statistical analysis of 11 studies, 1774 patients and over 40 sites reported for these FDA studies. 66% average bruising rate 99.5% probability that anyone has a bruising rate of 30%. The patients know they and their friend bruise. I think it is sad that an office that has such great communication with their patients that they realizes that they have a 60% bruising rate (which is excellent since the best get 66%) has to hide this fact. This office who listens and validates their patient's concerns should be celebrated. I think it would be great if someone independently reviewed the IFUs and told patients the actual truth and allowed the excellent offices to flourish. Thanks,

Josephine –   thank you so much for writing.    If you look at the rate of all bruising with fillers, it truly can be that high.   I agree with you.   The issue though, in my opinion, is more …….how much bruising??

Most patients can handle just fine a few small or even medium size bruises after a filler treatment – especially with a good concealer like the new Colorscience palette.

The problem is really those occasional filler/Botox/Dysport treatments when there is a large bruise that’s difficult to cover and can take 2 weeks to go away.   Our office has a bruise prevention sheet that we give all our patients of the things they can do that really help prevent bruising and we find these things really DO prevent most of the larger bruises.   Also, having patients numb in the office for 20 min or so, with a numbing cream that contricts the superficial blood vessels, also helps.

Hope this helps,  Dr. I

Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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Hi, I’m Dr. Irwin. I believe that consumers deserve a medically trained and unbiased skin care advocate.

  • All our content is written and researched by myself.
  • My medical office in Seattle has treated thousands of patients for 15+ years.
  • This site is not affiliated or financially tied to any product, treatment or device.
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