How can I help protect my ski racers daughters from UV/environmental skin injury?

My daughters are 10 and 13 and are ski racers so they spend a lot of time in the winter in the cold, wind and (sometimes) sun. Is there something they can use on their skin now to help protect it other than sunscreen? If so, can you recommend a budget brand? My 13 year old has a typically/normal teen oil completion, my 10 year old is not there quite yet.

Thank you for asking this because I love that you’re already understanding that they need some protection at the high altitude.  You’ll save them a lot of grief later that I see in my older skiiers, mountain climbers, etc.

I’m not sure why you would say though, "other than suncreen."  Sunscreen IS their first line of defense at altitude.   It may be because you are already using it regularly.  It’s hard with teens, especially with oily skin, because anything greasy will aggravate breakouts.   This is where this product is absolutely the best – the ColoreScience Powder –  It’s dry, and generally doesn’t cause breakouts.  It’s price is well worth it because the tube of it lasts forever.  

Other than sunscreen, an antioxidant would be helpful.  The best quality ones ARE expensive due to the formulation process but you don’t necessarily need that for a 10-14 year old.  Try the non greasy less expensive one here – the Topix cream is very light.  Use it just when they are skiing under the sunscreen – it helps prevent the damage to the DNA of their skin cells by the UV. 

Dr. I

Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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