Help! I have awful bags under my eyes after a Restylane treatment.

DPlease help! I just had Restalyne for the first time 55 hours ago to help with the deep, dark circles under my eye. The well known doctor injected Restalyne under the muscle, using a threaded needle to inject the Restalyne into the corners or as near corners as possible. I have bruising on my left eye only, its ok, I can cover w/makeup. However, both eyes have tear drop shape pouches on the top of my checks under the eye. It looks terrible as they stick out, swollen. Will this go away what should I do? It is Sunday, had this done on Friday afternoon. I saw your site and wished you were in the NYC area. Please help and can you recommend a good doctore in NYC or New Have, CT? Please. Thank you so much. Louise

Dear Louise:

 I wish I could answer every question you, my wonderful readers, send!  I also wish I could do it quickly but that doesn’t work with a job and children – something you all understand I know.

 Anyway, first thing: YOU MUST CALL YOUR DOCTOR!!!  Since you’ve had a less than optimal outcome, it’s only the right thing to do to call and let them know.  Hopefully, they will respond well and openly to that and know exactly what to do.  So, in your situation, if that puffiness is still there after 3-7 days (the “settling in” period for Restylane/Juvederm), your dermatologist might want to put a little hyaluronidase (enzyme that dissolves Restylane/Juvederm) in to bring down the puffiness. 

If you don’t get a warm, helpful, competent response, then look for another dermatologist.  Look at our resource section for good doctors in your area.  Also, I’m planning to do a complete update of this in the next couple of months and add more doctors.  Good luck!  Dr. I

Dr. Brandith Irwin, MD

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Hi, I’m Dr. Irwin. I believe that consumers deserve a medically trained and unbiased skin care advocate.

  • All our content is written and researched by myself.
  • My medical office in Seattle has treated thousands of patients for 15+ years.
  • This site is not affiliated or financially tied to any product, treatment or device.
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