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Tag: Sculptra

Can Sculptra be used around the eyes?

The company that makes it, Sanofi Aventis, does not recommend it’s use around the eye area at this time because visible Sculptra bumps are more likely to occur there.  They occur more...

Differences between Sculptra and Restylane?

This is tough because there are a lot of differences.  Can you write back and be more specific with your questions?  I just updated the Sculptra article on SkinTour and the new...

What is the best filler for hollow cheeks?

If you have only mild to moderate hollows, then try the more robust forms of hyaluronic acid like Juvederm Ultra Plus or Perlane.   These should last 6-9 months the first...

Combining treatments – what works best?

This is a hot topic right now because there is a synergistic aspect to combining various treatments well.  The problem is that there are virtually no studies at all on...

When Juvederm doesn’t seem to be working.

Thank you!!   It really helps to know your age but I wish I knew your facial structure as well.  So let’s talk a little about the causes of those deep...

Is there a way to avoid bruising with Sculptra?

There are two parts to bruising with Sculptra.  What the patient (you) does and what the doctor does. You hopefully were told to avoid aspirin, ibuprofen/Advil, naproxyn/Aleve, etc and all...

When can Thermage be done after Sculptra?

There is no study that I know of on this.  But I do have considerable experience over the past five years with both products.   I have my patients wait until...
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