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Oily/Acne Prone Skin

oily skin Dr. Irwin answers on Skintour

Oily skin and skincare that works

No one likes feeling like an oil slick. Myth #1: If you washed your oily skin with a drying cleanser, it would produce more oil. Not true. Oil is mostly...
hyaluronic acid Dr. Irwin answers on Skintour

Hyaluronic Acid: Hipe or real?

You are SO welcome. I really love doing it. And, I feel a strong connection to all of you. It’s one of those not entirely rational things: it just feels...

T-zone oily and cheeks dry – how to cope!

Okay   ……. a couple of thoughts here: If your nose is peeling, it’s not from oil.  Oil makes things slick and shiney not peely.   Many people with an oily nose,...
A good sunscreen strategy for oily skin!

A good sunscreen strategy for oily skin!

This is a problem isn’t it – you’re probably oily by mid morning anyway, but the sunscreen just makes it a little worse. Here are some suggestions for oily skin...

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