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Oily/Acne Prone Skin

When should acne stop?

I’m glad you wrote because I can tell you’re feeling a little isolated with this.  It’s true that acne is very individual in when it’s ready to go away, and...

Products for over 40 oily skin & acne.

Thank you!    This is a tough one, as you know, because most acne products are formulated for 16 y.o. skin.   The best regimen needs to be customized for you, but...

What to do for oily skin and larger pores?

I truly wish there was a “home run” for large pores, but there are things that help. Good products –  here’s the link  and also here.  This blog post applies...

Why am I getting acne at age 51???

My first thought is remember that acne is a hormonal disease!! It occurs between puberty and menopause. Could you be now in perimenopause? Many women find that they suddenly start...

Treating lumps, bumps and ……….. milia!

Okay, most of you know that milia are a plug (like a comedone or acne plug) in a pore but then it hardens and gets stuck. They don’t generally become...

Bumps on the face – what are these???

Okay so my mantra still is to see your dermatologist because no one should self diagnose these, since some skin cancers can look very similar to benign bumps. Learn more...

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